Voyage et sante
Voyage et sante
Voyage et sante


La consultation médicale - When consulting a doctor - Al consultar a un médico

Appareil urinaire – Urinary organs – Organos urinarios

Quand j’urine j’ai mal                                        When I urinate it hurts                                                    Me duele al orinar

La douleur débute à l’émission d’urine               It hurts when I begin to urinate                                        Me duele cuando empiezo a urinar

J’ai mal quand je finis d’uriner                           I feel pain toward the end of urination                              Me duele al terminar de orinar

J’ai des difficultés à uriner                                 It is difficult to urinate                                                     Tengo dificultad en orinar

J’ai souvent besoin d’uriner                               I often have a desire to urinate                                        Tengo necesidad de orinar con frecuencia

Appareil genital – Genital Organs – Organos genitales

J’ai une grosseur dans la région du pubis           I have a lump in the pubis region                                      Me ha salido un bulto en el pubis

J’ai des démangeaisons aux organes génitaux    The external genitalia is itchy                                           Tengo picor en los órganos genitales

J’ai saigné bien que je n’ai pas mes règles         Although it isn’t time for ma period, I have bled                Aunque no es el tiempo de mi menstruación                                                                                                                                                             tengo hemorragia

J’ai peur d’avoir contracté une maladie             I’m afraid I might have contracted a venereal disease       Tengo miedo de haber contraido una vénérienne                                                                                                                                            enfermedad venérea                                          

Je n’ai pas mes règles                                      I do not menstruate                                                         No tengo la menstruación

Je pense que je suis enceinte                            I think I’ve become pregnant                                           Me parce que estoy embarazada

Je voudrais un contraceptif                               I would like to have some contraceptive medicine              Me gustaria tomar alguna medicine

J’ai des pertes vaginales                                   I have vaginal discharge                                                  Tengo derrame vaginal

Les membres – Limbs – Los miembros

J’ai des fourmillements dans les doigts              I have a prickling sensation in my fingers                          Siento escozor en los dedos

J’ai une écharde dans le doigt                           I ran a splinter into my finger                                           Se me he metido una astilla en el dedo

Mon ongle a été arraché                                  I’ve had my fingernail torn off                                          Se me he arrancado la un͂a

Je me suis coupé avec un couteau                    I cut my hand with a knife                                               Me he cortado la mano con un cuchillo

Je me suis brûlé                                               I scorched my hand                                                         Me he quemado la mano

Je me suis cassé le bras ( main, jambe)             I broke my arm (hand, leg)                                               Me he roto un brazo (mano, pierna)

Un insecte m’a piqué                                       I got stung by an insect                                                    Me he picado en el brazo un insecto

Mes membres sont paralysés                            My limbs feel numb and paralyzed                                    Mis miembros son paralisados

J’ai mal au pied (genou, cheville, articulations)   I have a sore foot (knee, ankle, joints)                               Me duele el pie (rodilla, tobillo, articulaciones)

J’ai une entorse de la cheville                           I sprained my ankle                                                         Me disloqué el tobillo

J’ai des crampes                                              I have cramps                                                                 Tengo calambres

J’ai un pied enflé                                             I have a swollen foot                                                       Tengo el pie hinchado

J’ai une mycose aux pieds                                I have a athlete’s foot                                                      Tengo una micosis al pie

La peau – The skin – La piel

La blessure me fait mal                                   The wound hurts                                                              La herida me duele

La blessure est inflammatoire, suppure             The wound is inflamed, pus in the wound                           La herida esta inflamada, formado de pus

Je me suis brûlé                                              My flesh is burning                                                           Me he quemado

J’ai été mordu par un serpent                          I was bitten by a snake                                                     Me he picado una serpiente

J’ai un furoncle                                               I have a boil                                                                     Me he salido un grano

J’ai attrapé un coup de soleil                            I got sunburn inflamationof the skin                                   Tengo la piel inflamada por quemadura de sol

J’ai un urticaire                                               I have hives                                                                     Tengo urticaria

J’ai une éruption rouge sur la peau                   I have red rashes on the skin                                             Tengo manchitas rojas en la piel

J’ai une forte démangeaison                           The itching is quite unbearable                                           Tengo un picor insoportable

J’ai beaucoup de boutons                               These pimples are awful                                                    Tengo muchos granos